12 December 2012

Do you want (Super) Rich to dictate policy?

The introduction of Direct Democracy would go a long way to limit the impact of money on policy decisions. It would not be a perfect solution to cap the influence of rich individuals but as any referendum would be preceded by a relatively long period of intensive discussion and scrutiny the voice of the people would probably be a more balanced outcome.

Hedge Funds Stride the Stage of World Affairs

10 December 2012

Would you like to have a say on the Climate Treaty?

Then join Dirdem today! Every Movement has to have a beginning - rather than moan helplessly about all the laws and regulations that are imposed on us come and join us. The first step in organising an effective campaign for Direct Democracy is to gathering of a small core group of supporters.
Doha Climate Summit ends (BBC)

5 December 2012

Term Limits - The Old Romans had it right

Maybe the Old Romans were on to something when they limited the period of office for their Consuls to one year. In addition, there were always two Consuls in office so the influence of any one person was limited. In our Celebrity-addicted age it would be even more useful to limit the power of individuals in order to constrain any cult of personality. So much political 'discourse' is now dominated not be objective discussion of the important issues that concern the citizens but worthless tittle-tattle fed by media that is only keen to push up circulations by any means. (Merkel Wins Party Re-Election, Eyes a Third Term, CNBC)

3 December 2012

Internet and Democracy - a new book

The Internet can certainly shake up the traditional (slow) dynamics of our democracies that are ruled by well-entrenched bureaucracies, lobbies and establishment parties. But it is no game changer as the example of Switzerland shows. There direct democracy was flourishing well before the invention of the Internet. (Financial Times)

Sham Consultations no substitute for referendum

Many countries require governments to hold consultations before legislation is enacted. In some countries they are optional and (ab) used by governments to deflect criticism and give the illusion that they consider the opinions of those directly affected by new legislation. In either case the outcome of these consultations often is disregarded. The only proper consultation therefore is a binding referendum.